Ministral Meetings

•To promote understanding and dialogue within and between cultures;
• To increase co-operation, in particular but not exclusively between Muslim and Western societies;
• To build respect and understanding among cultures and amplify voices for moderation, reconciliation and for pluralism which help calm cultural, religious and other tensions between peoples;
• To define the opportunities of using culture, cultural heritage and the arts more pervasively and effectively in the process of actively promoting intercultural dialogue and cooperation as well as practical actions;
• To support cultural and artistic activities and exchanges and recognize the role of artists and creators-as catalysts of dialogue and mutual understanding;
• To create opportunity for intercultural dialogue through concerted actions between the competent international and regional organizations, with the active involvement of the member states concerned, civil society and wherever possible private sectors.Since 2008 after launching of the Baku Process, many international high level events and activities have been organized in Baku. Baku Process has become a key global platform for dialogue between people, as Azerbaijan is one of the unique places where different cultures and civilizations meet at the crossroads between the East and the West, the North and the South. At the same time, being a member of both Islamic and European organizations, Azerbaijan absorbs the values of both civilizations, thus enabling it to assume a role of genuine bridge. With this commitment in the framework of the Baku Process Government of Azerbaijan has organized European (2008) and Islamic (2009) ministerial conferences dedicated to the intercultural issues and the First and Second World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue in Baku in 2011 and 2013 in partnership with UNESCO, UN Alliance of Civilizations, UN World Tourism Organization, Council of Europe and ISESCO and reached remarkable achievements, supporting the inscription of intercultural dialogue and cultural diversity at the forefront of the international agenda.